www.nair.com |
Since I have not used this product before I tested on a small spot a day ahead of time. I didn't notice any reaction, so I went ahead with the rest (not ALLLL the rest, mind you, just areas I deemed necessary...) Anywho, I left it on for 4 minutes, and it did a pretty good job of removal! It doesn't smell bad at all. There was a little twinge of burning near the very last minute, but once I had completely showered off it was fine. I'd say the results are slightly better than shaving. Now. One thing I didn't consider was avoiding putting the cream back on the same spot I had tested...I have some slight redness today in the "double application" area, but other than that fine.
Other reviews I have read online say it doesn't last too long, which I had already suspected. But again, it works just as well if not better than shaving, it's cheap, and it's fast (4 min!). So unless I break out in hives in a day (which I will obviously report back about), I will continue to use this product! They also make a version for sensitive skin, which I may try next. This area is prone to sensitivity anyway, as you all know, so if you even suspect you might have issues I would go with the sensitive skin version right off the bat.
Happy sunbathing (wear your sunscreen!!)
LOL!! That was funny! I shall try this stat as I am also a razor girl but this sounds like it might be better! Thanks