Thursday, December 8, 2011

Foundation routine and a brave girl

I know I haven't posted in FOREVER, I have not forgotten about posting but life/work has been in the way. I am going to try and revive the blog 2012. I did want to share this video though of Cassandra Bankston, a teenager that has some really great YouTube makeup tutorials. She does an amazing job in this foundation tutorial. She uses a TON of products, but it's a bit out of necessity. At the end though, she does not look like she is wearing that many products.

She is precious, and well spoken, and brave. I totally commend anyone who can just put themselves out there, especially with something they are very self-conscious about. I may try some of the products she mentioned, they sound good! (I also realized I need to quit freaking out about my very infrequent, very minor breakouts...they can easily be covered)