Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Repairing broken eyeshadows!

Hi all! I wanted to share a little trick I found on the interwebs to repair broken eyeshadow. I returned from a plane trip last Friday only to find one of my Stila shadows shattered in the pan. Sad! So I searched on line and determined it was actually ridiculously easy to salvage. I totally didn't think about the blog-usefulness of this topic and didn't take pictures during the process, but it's pretty easy to explain. All you need is a Q-tip, Kleenex, a quarter (or your finger), and rubbing alcohol.

1. Take a Qtip and clean off around the tin, collecting what you can of the broken bits back into the eyeshadow tin.

2. Using a dropper, add a few drops of rubbing alcohol at a time to the shadow. You want it damp but not soaking.

3. Place a Kleenex on top and lightly press with your finger (or a quarter if that is the size of the tin) to set the eyeshadow.

4. Let it air dry a bit so the alcohol will evaporate and viola! Good to go! Here's my final result, the repaired tin is the olive green, bottom right.

If you need step-by-step pictures, just google it! You'll get a ton of hits, just like I did! I think my next project will be to turn some of my powder shadows to cream...will keep you posted.

Friday, January 13, 2012

I'm sorry Marc Jacobs, but we need to discuss these.

I'm sorry. I couldn't let this pass by my email inbox and not share with you all. I burst out laughing when I opened my Shop it to Me alert. First of all, I normally love Marc Jacobs, I think his stuff is quirky and stylish. But these? These I do not understand.
Photo: Neiman Marcus
Ladies, for only $502 (ON SALE, no less), these too can be yours.What's that you say? You also need gloves to match? WELL. For $328 (on sale again, hooray???) you can also sport these babies.

Photo: Neiman Marcus
Happy Friday everyone! And just in case (and so I don't get sued for stealing pictures) the links to purchase are HERE and HERE!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

"Fotoshop" AKA things we should all keep in mind

Fotoshop by Adobé from Jesse Rosten on Vimeo.

Hi all! I think I'm pretty much the world's worst blogger, hm? Yes. I do have some new fun products to discuss, so hopefully I will get off my booty and get on that in the coming weeks! Quickly though I wanted to share this video. Even I need to be reminded of this sometimes when I look at TV, magazines, etc...that most, if not ALL of it is barely a reflection of how these women actually look! So that blemish I have, or that weird freckle? It's ok. Plus, T (the husband) just recently purchased the Adobe suite to make videos and once I saw all he could do it really started to sink in. Enjoy the vid!

In case my embed code doesn't work, here is the link: http://vimeo.com/34813864