Saturday, October 31, 2009

The many uses of aspirin

So. We know that small doses of aspirin can help those with heart problems. And it also helps those aches, pains, and had-a-little-too-much-wine situations. But, I saw on the Today show this week that it can also be used on zits! Here's what you do.
1. Take the aspirin and grid it up (or I guess you could get Goody's that's already powder).
2. Mix it into a paste.
3. Apply a small amount of the paste directly onto the blemish.
4. Leave for a few minutes, then gently rinse off.

Could work. Aspirin is anti-inflammatory, so it would reduce any swelling. I don't think it's meant to clear the bacteria and grime that CAUSE blemishes (you need salicylic acid for that), but could reduce the appearance when you need it. I may try it out!


  1. Woah! Thats crazy! Is it better than toothpaster????

  2. Actually, aspirin contains salicylic acid. I've been using this for years. I mix up the ground aspirin with my face mask and it is amazing.
