Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Frederic Fekkai

Frederic Fekkai, I may be giving you another chance. After that disastrous sample of Technician Shampoo (hello slimy hair)...I gave a sample of your Glossing Shampoo a try this morning...and I think I like it. My hair feels very soft and dried quickly without a lot of frizz and/or effort with the dryer. It's disgusting weather today, so I can't determine the "glossy" aspect at the moment...but so far I'm happy.

Will post more on this later, gals. A question for you though--what is your fav shampoo? I'm moving back to Baton Rouge swamp water this weekend, so I will have to throw out ALL my shampoo, body wash, and some face products due to the water change. I'm not kidding. It's straight swamp-stuff-never-rinses-out water down there...so any suggestions or favorites to share?

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