Wednesday, January 11, 2012

"Fotoshop" AKA things we should all keep in mind

Fotoshop by Adobé from Jesse Rosten on Vimeo.

Hi all! I think I'm pretty much the world's worst blogger, hm? Yes. I do have some new fun products to discuss, so hopefully I will get off my booty and get on that in the coming weeks! Quickly though I wanted to share this video. Even I need to be reminded of this sometimes when I look at TV, magazines, etc...that most, if not ALL of it is barely a reflection of how these women actually look! So that blemish I have, or that weird freckle? It's ok. Plus, T (the husband) just recently purchased the Adobe suite to make videos and once I saw all he could do it really started to sink in. Enjoy the vid!

In case my embed code doesn't work, here is the link:

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