Friday, May 15, 2009

Sephora Body Butter

So my sunscreen trail kit came in yesterday (I will post on how they work out...I have about 15 samples to try!), and I also got a sample of Sephora brand body butter in Guava Passion with some of my beauty points (one of those little cards most stores have where you get points as you spend...I digress...)Anyway, I'm pretty happy with this sample choice! It smells nice but not too heavy...I can't stand overly perfumed lotion. Which is probably why I don't use lotion enough. Lives up to it's name too...this stuff is THICK. Which is good, because it will last me quite awhile I think. They are $16 for a full size. I may try out another kind if this one ever runs out (seems unlikely). :)

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Does this stuff work all day... like you dont get ashy half way through?
