Friday, July 31, 2009

OPI--forest green?

This was in Allure mag, on Allure and Lucky online pages, and now in my Sephora email. I'm not sure what I think about it. I LURVE OPI for sure...but forest green and dark greens are their new thing for fall. What do you think? Too dark? Too much? I'd love to hear thoughts!

p.s. My friend LG and I were discussing how really the cost makes the difference with OPI. It's expensive, but it REALLY is good nail polish. Now that they are issuing fall colors, check out the local beauty supply places in the malls for sales on summer and spring colors. They may even have sets on sale soon. I'll post if I find any good ones!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Girl crush and other misc

So I have a confession. I have a serious girl crush on Reese Witherspoon. The August issue of Allure has a one page "fashion stakeout" of her, and she's fab. I pretty much want her hair (in fact, I'm taking her photo in to my hairdresser next week and saying "This this the goal") And I love her style...very simple but so stylish. Now you know about my girl crush. :)
(photo from trying to steal!)

And speaking of Allure...they are having a giveaway item every weekday in August starting Aug 3! There is some awesome stuff on the list...see here. Shoes, makeup, hair stuff, clothes, name it! I'll definitely be entering some. This economy combined with my grad school non-existent budget--I'll take all the free stuff I can go for!


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Who needs Allure? You have me.

Did I not post about this weeks ago?? I could totally work for Allure.

On another, funny note--Apparently I have spent so much at Sephora over the past couple years that I'm now a V.I.B. (Important Beauty Insider). Kinda sad, but I'll take the 10% off (need some Clinique here soon anyway!) Just wanted to let y'all know that I randomly DO provide useful info now and then! :)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

How to fight the airplane funk and survive 8 hour flights

So I recently returned from a 10 day class/conference in the U.K. Tried some new things on the plane to attempt to not feel and look like a trainwreck upon de-planing. Here are some things that helped!

Well, I have to first issue the disclaimer that on the way over I had the WHOLE ROW to myself. Being able to stretch out and actually lie down does wonders for dealing with this kind of flight. But I also took some tips from different flights/blogs/beauty articles.
1. Back off on the make up to start I didn't wear a lot to begin with. Just some tinted moisturizer, a little bit of light eyeliner and shadow, waterproof mascara, and chapstick. Didn't want to have a major breakout.
2. Eye drops.
Tons of eye drops every time I even thought my eyes might feel dry. Pick whatever brand you prefer. I like Refresh (in the green bottle)
3. Chapstick. Ok, this is obvious. There may not be a better beauty product on the planet over chapstick, but that's a whole other story.I have a chapstick addiction to begin with, but I made sure I had a tube in my purse AND carry-on. Just in case.
4. Clinique All About Eyes I dabbed this under my eyes pretty frequently. It's light, so you can dab i on over makeup. It definitely combated the puffiness and dark circles.

5. Dry shampoo. See previous post on this wonderful stuff. Degreased my bangs in one shot.
6. "Getting ready for bed" As soon as I was done with dinner and ready to try and sleep for a good bit, I went to the restroom and "washed" my face with a Dove cleansing cloth. I also brushed my teeth. Then I dabbed on moisturizer, chapstick, and All About Eyes and crashed out.
7. Reapply About an hour before landing, I put tinted moisturizer and mascara back on. Used some tinted lip balm and was ready to go.

Now, I won't say I looked fabulous. But I didn't look like I had been run over. I tested this whole thing on the return trip. I was being lazy, and didn't fool with all of my little tips. And I looked a HOT MESS when I got to Philly. :) So. If you are traveling a long way some of these small tips may help you out some!

Post your tricks of the trade in the comments section! I'm sure I don't know all the cool things that can be done and would love to hear new ideas.

Hug your scientist friend. He or She can make you pretty!

My friend Naz told me about this. It's new at Sephora, and I plan to try it out. It's called Living Proof. It's for fighting dreaded frizz! And for anyone in the humid, humid South...well you know all about this never ending battle.

Now here's the cool part. It was developed by a team led by Dr. Bob Langer at MIT. Now, I am not in tissue engineering, but I have friends at Vanderbilt who are. And he is apparently a super big shot in this area (among others). They are using new molecules to help fight frizz over the old standard silicone, which just weighs your hair down and eventually makes it limp and/or greasy. Sounds like a interesting idea to me!

I think Sephora may be doing some specials or sending out samples right now if you'd like to try it. I will probably try this in the near future, so if I do, I will post results. (Naz's hair looked really good, so at first glance it seems to work!)

So as I said--love your scientist friends and be glad we are so very nerdy. Saving lives and making hair pretty. Gotta love it!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Lucky Breaks!

Lucky has some good ones this month! A Three Dots shopping spree for $1000 (very comfy knits and jersey stuff. I had a Three Dot shirt and lost it and was SO SAD)...Splendid shopping sprees for $500 (never heard of them but the clothing looks SUPER cute and comfortable!!) There are a couple of other fun ones as well!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


So I realized this weekend at a wedding that I hadn't mentioned this neato little product. It's from Band-Aid, and it's called Blister Block. It's this little stick that you rub on your feet before putting on shoes, and it's supposed to help prevent blisters. It actually works VERY well. Now, if the shoes are too small, or REALLY uncomfortable, then you may still get a blister. But I use it ALL the time...and I realized I hadn't mentioned it cause my friend said "How do I not know about this?!" and then all the bridesmaids proceeded to use it. Good stuff. In the first aid/bandaid aisle.