Friday, August 19, 2011

Today I am 30...

Image from Google
Today is my 30th birthday. I have been thinking about things that I want to do differently in my 30s. I kinda like that it's such a big birthday. Really feels like a changing of the guard, ya know? While there are many existential things that I plan to be better about (being healthy, be more conscientious with my money, not taking my day out on T...etc), I have a few beauty/health things I've decided to really focus on. So here's my list!

1. Floss every day. I know. I KNOW. So crazy and gross that I don't. That's why it's #1
2. Sunscreen on my face. All the time. Not just when I'm at the beach or at the pool. Every beauty mag and blog and dermatologist says this is one of the biggest things you can do to slow the signs of aging. So I'm doing it.
3. Never sleep in my makeup.
4. Drink more water. I've pretty much cut out all soda except for the occasional Coke Zero, but I still need to work on drinking more water and staying hydrated.
5. Chill out with the impulse buying. This includes beauty products, clothes, shoes, and accessories. I donated three HUGE garbage bags of stuff to Goodwill from my closet a week ago. Some stuff I had only worn once. That's got to stop.
6. Eat primarily fruits, veggies, and lean proteins. Chill out on the refined carbs and sugars...unhealthy eating shows on your face, on your body, and everywhere. So I'm going to continue to try and eat nutritious meals every day (with a few cheat days on occasion!).
7. Start using a facial moisturizer with antioxidants and retinol at night. I read about this recently in Allure I believe...30s are the time to start using wrinkle reducing products!
8. Speaking of moisturizer, I also plan to start being better about moisturizing all of my skin. I tend to let it get dry in the winter when it's all covered up. Going to take better care of my skin in general!
9. Do something for myself once a month that falls in the "pampering" category. This doesn't mean I have to spend money--an at-home pedicure counts! Just take 30 min every once in a while to just relax.
10. More yoga. Self-explanatory.

That's my 10 for 30. :) Please share any tips or tricks you've started in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. The only goal I set for myself was to stop worrying and stressing and taking things personally so much. And let me tell ya, its made a world of a difference in my life. I can honestly say that this is the happiest I've been...EVER. I was hesitant about turning 30, but have pretty much embraced it and loved it! I like all of your goals and might steal a couple of them :)
